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RELEX Retail & Supply Chain Award 2016: Best Master’s Thesis, Europe

Nov 15, 2016 2 min

RELEX is looking for the best Retail and Supply Chain Master’s Thesis submitted in a European university during the year 2016.

Are you a recently graduated supply chain specialist or finalizing your master’s thesis with a focus on retail planning?

If yes, send your work to RELEX and take part in the annual competition to win the award for the best European master’s thesis in the field of retail and supply chain planning.

RELEX will choose the best master’s thesis with a focus on retail and supply chain planning (forecasting, replenishment, seasons or promotions management, allocations, inventory management or assortment management). The winner will be rewarded with an award of EUR 2.000 and invited to present the winning thesis at a suitable event held by RELEX in early 2017 (RELEX will cover the travel costs).

Who can apply?

The competition is open to anyone who has submitted a retail and supply chain planning related master’s thesis in a European university during the year 2016. The thesis submitted should be written in English, German, Swedish, Norwegian or Finnish.

How to apply?

To apply, please send your master’s thesis and a summary of 1.000 words describing the research, its significance and key findings in English to in .pdf format. Please note, that the application deadline is December 31st, 2016.

For guidelines and further information, please download the competition information.

Competition jury

The jury choosing the award-winning work include Prof. Dr. Kai Förstl from the German Graduate School of Management & Law, Professor Jan Holmström from Aalto University, RELEX Solutions Chairman of the Board Andrew Blatherwick, and leading logistics and supply chain scientists from RELEX Solutions.

Previous winners

Catarina Svensson and Anna Johansson, Linköping University, Sweden
Improving efficiency of store logistics – A case study based on a retail company
Read more about the winners of the 2015 award

Richard Lämsä and Sebastian Mattson, Lund University, Sweden
Investigation of buying in retail companies – Understanding the effects of a central warehouse
Read more about the winners of the 2014 award

Annika Alftan, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Collaborative buyer-managed forecasting: A new framework to create a competitive supply chain in the grocery sector
Read more about the winner of the 2013 award