Privacy Policy – RELEX Partner Register

Last updated on August 29, 2024

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy“) informs you about how Retail Logistics Excellence – RELEX Oy (“RELEX Oy”) and its affiliated companies globally (jointly “RELEX“) process information it collects about partner consultants and the contact persons of its partners and prospective partners.

“Contact Person” of a partner or prospective partner refers to a representative of a RELEX partner taking part in communication between RELEX and the RELEX partner.

“RELEX (prospective) partner” refers to a partner company with which RELEX is collaborating (or aims to collaborate) on work such as project implementations, product development or other mutual commercial initiatives.

“Partner consultant” refers to a person employed by a RELEX partner that is participating, has participated or may participate in the future in project implementations, product development or other commercial initiatives of RELEX and its partner. “Personal Data” refers to your personal data that is processed under this Privacy Policy. RELEX is committed to respecting your privacy and to complying with applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations. In this Privacy Policy, we explain what types of Personal Data we may process and for what purposes. We also explain the choices you have in relation to our processing of your Personal Data and how you can learn more about our processing and exercising your rights.

Data Controller

RELEX Oy maintains RELEX partner register for its own business purposes. Other RELEX affiliates may process Personal data on RELEX Oy’s behalf, for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

RELEX Oy acts as the data controller for Personal Data covered by this Privacy Policy:

Retail Logistics Excellence – RELEX Oy
Business ID FI 1963444-1
Address: Postintaival 7, FI-00230 Helsinki, Finland

The contact person relating to this Privacy Policy is:

Privacy Director Hannes Saarinen

Categories of personal data processed

What data is processed?

RELEX collects Personal Data directly from a Partner consultant or Contact person of a RELEX (prospect) company. In addition, RELEX collects data from publicly available sources to the extent relevant and permitted by applicable local law. RELEX may combine the data you have provided with other data which is available to RELEX either based on the business relationship with your company (RELEX partner or prospective partner) or from public sources.

If you are a Partner consultant, RELEX may collect information about you based on your interaction with RELEX such as any RELEX related training you participate in and evaluation of your performance in projects related to RELEX, e.g., CV’s, work history with RELEX, feedback from Customers and RELEX employees, training progress and training performance data, like completion, pass and score data. The Partner company may provide RELEX with your Personal Data such as your name, contact information, skills, and CV information. This is based on RELEX’s legitimate interest to collect data to be able to plan and implement projects for RELEX’s customers that the Partner company takes part in.

Personal Data that is processed under this Privacy Policy may also include the following:

Information that you submit to RELEX or is collected by RELEX from other sources– Name
– Business email address
– Phone number
– Job title
– Company name
– Business address
– CV/Work history
– Country
– IP address (only for those Partner Consultants who need access to Customer-, Training- and/or other RELEX environments and for which we need to whitelist the IP address)
Conversation historyFor Partner contact persons, RELEX may link the online chat such as Microsoft Teams and email conversations you have had with RELEX representatives to your profile in the RELEX partner register for important business topics e.g., contract conversation.

The purposes and legal basis for the processing

Why is your Personal Data processed?

Your Personal Data is collected, used, stored, and otherwise processed for the purposes of:

  • managing, maintaining, developing, and analyzing the relationship between RELEX and its partners (for both Partner contact person and Partner consultant).
  • enabling the Partner consultant to do his/her work with RELEX as well as possible; ensuring access to RELEX’s up-to-date training and other materials and systems, as well as to the tools needed to perform his/her work well.
  • evaluating the Partner consultant’s data such as his/her training progress, – performance and – scores for his/her training, courses, and certifications.
  • planning and development of the business activities of RELEX in order to improve the services towards RELEX Partners in general, e.g., perform resource allocation activities and conducting partner surveys.
  • for communication and direct marketing purposes, including electronic marketing and event invites.

You will have the possibility to opt out from electronic marketing – please use the opt out functionality in the emails that you have received from us or use the contact   information included in this Privacy Policy.

RELEX may l use collected Personal Data of a Partner contact person/Partner consultant to target communication such as e.g., a Partner Newsletter to partners or prospective partners of RELEX based on distinct characteristics, such as geographic location or solution area. Personal Data of a Partner consultant such as professional experience and training data will be used for evaluation and selection in any potential collaborations between the RELEX Partner and RELEX.

What is the legal basis for processing the data?

Existing partners’ contact persons’data is processed based on the legitimate interest of RELEX to execute its contractual relationship between RELEX and the partner. In addition, existing partners’ contact persons’ data is processed based on RELEX’s legitimate interest to enhance its business and maintain partner relationships. This legitimate interest is balanced by the possibility to opt out from electronic marketing.

Prospective partners’ contact persons’ data is processed based on RELEX’s legitimate interest to enhance its business and acquire new partners. This legitimate interest is balanced by the possibility to opt out from electronic marketing.

Partner consultants’ data is processed based on the legitimate interest of RELEX to execute its contractual relationship between RELEX and the partner for as long as the partner consultant works in RELEX projects. RELEX acknowledges that partner consultants may change their job to another RELEX partner or prospective partner. RELEX will continue storing the partner consultant’s data based on the legitimate interest to enhance its business, acquire new partners and to make sure the partner consultant can maintain their certification at RELEX. This legitimate interest is balanced by the possibility to opt out from electronic marketing and to ask for the deletion of the partner consultant’s personal data.

Access to and disclosure of Personal Data

Access to Personal Data

Access to your Personal Data is restricted to RELEX employees responsible for partner activities, such as resource planning, technical enablement / access management, partner success / partner process development and marketing communications.

In addition, your Personal Data may be visible to other RELEX employees, Partner contact persons or Partner Consultants participating in customer environment work, meetings or trainings organized by RELEX through Teams e.g. In such circumstances, RELEX will take all reasonable steps to ensure that appropriate measures to protect your Personal Data are taken.

Also, your Personal Data, like name, email address and CV, may be provided to RELEX’s customer’s employees before or during a RELEX implementation project through resource planning meetings, project planning meetings, project meetings, project communication- and customer environment work. The customer may use the data for communication and evaluation of the project and the work.

Your Personal Data may be processed by RELEX’s service providers for the purpose of providing their services to RELEX such as vendors involved in e.g., RELEX sales and marketing activities or an event organizing agency. The data provided to such RELEX service providers or vendors can only be used by them for the specific assignment RELEX has hired them for and for a limited period related to the duration of the assignment given to them.

M&A activities: Where RELEX takes steps to sell, buy, merge, or otherwise reorganize its businesses in certain countries, this may involve disclosing Personal Data to prospective or actual purchasers, sellers or partners and their advisers. In such circumstances, RELEX will take all reasonable steps to ensure that appropriate measures to protect Personal Data are taken by such prospective or actual purchasers, sellers or partners and their advisors.

Transfer of Personal Data

Will your Personal Data be transferred to other countries?

In case you reside in EU/EEA countries:

Your Personal Data will be transferred to countries outside European Union/EEA (including United States). RELEX may use service providers that are located outside European Union/EEA and provide services relating to sales and marketing activities or maintenance of RELEX partner register to RELEX. Also, some of the RELEX affiliates are located outside European Union/EEA, and the employees of such affiliates may process Your Personal Data for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

When transferring your Personal Data outside European Union/EEA, we will ensure that the transfer is legal and safe by concluding an agreement based on EU Commission’s standard contractual clauses or taking other measures permissible under applicable legislation. You can ask for additional details relating to the transfer and the appropriate safeguards put in place using the contact information above.

Storing the Data

How long will Your Personal Data be stored and processed?

Your Personal Data will be processed:

  • in case of an existing partner relationship, as long as it is necessary for the purposes of the partner relationship with the partner whose contact person you are.
  • in case of prospective partners, as long as there is a legitimate need for RELEX to keep the data for marketing and other communication purposes.
  • in case of Partner consultants, as long as it is necessary for the purposes of work in a RELEX implementation project. In case the Partner consultant is not active in a RELEX implementation project anymore, we may keep RELEX project experience data as well as training related data, certifications only with the consent of the Partner consultant for a max. of 2 years. RELEX will periodically (and at least on an annual basis) review the information in the partner register to make sure that Personal Data is kept only when it is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes and for the above-mentioned time.

Also, RELEX will remove your Personal Data in case you object to processing and ask for removal of the data based on applicable legislation, unless the Personal Data cannot be removed because you are the sole contact person nominated by an existing partner company of RELEX. In such case, RELEX recommends that you discuss with the partner company on appointing a new contact person for RELEX.

The Exercise of your Rights

What rights do you have and how can you exercise those rights?

You have the right to access your Personal Data processed under this Privacy Policy. You have the right to request correction and removal of your Personal Data. In case you want to exercise these rights, please contact us through the contact email addresses mentioned above in this Privacy Policy. Please note that it may not always be possible to remove all your personal data such as in the case that you work as a consultant in a RELEX implementation project.

In addition, you have the right to request restriction of processing of your Personal Data and to object to the processing on grounds provided by the applicable legislation. Please contact us via the contact email addresses provided above in this Privacy Policy for additional instructions.

In cases where your consent is the legal basis for processing your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. To withdraw your consent, please contact us via the contact details provided above in the section “Data controller.” Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for which you withdrew your consent.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in case you think that your rights have been violated. You may choose to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the EU Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.

Information Security

We are committed to keeping your Personal Data safe. RELEX will implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to ensure sufficient information security. Security measures are put in place in order to prevent unauthorized access to and manipulation of your Personal Data. This includes restricting access to your Personal Data to the persons described in this Privacy Policy (see section “Access to Personal Data” above) and hosting your Data with a service provider that can demonstrate adequate level of information security.

We take appropriate steps to address online security, physical security, risk of data loss and other such risks taking into consideration the risk represented by the processing and the nature of the data being protected. Also, we limit access to our databases containing personal data to authorized persons having a justified need to access such information.

Changes to this Policy

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. The Privacy Policy is accessible only through a link, not publicly visible. We recommend that you revisit this Privacy Policy from time to time to review any possible changes.